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* For illustrative purposes of data platform
[1] Report by the High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices

Outlook for carbon pricing

A rising carbon price will devalue many portfolio.

Global carbon price may rise 25x

Carbon prices need to be in the $50-100 tonne range by 2030 to keep global heating to below 2 degrees Celsius, in line with the Paris agreement.[1] Less than 4% of global emissions are currently covered by a direct carbon price within the range needed by 2030.

20% of global equity value at risk

The investment community is switching on to climate risks, but carbon price risk specifically is neither well understood nor reflected in equity valuations. Research suggests that global equity markets could fall by as much as 20 per cent if companies around the world were suddenly hit by a $75 per tonne carbon price.

The challenge for today’s investors

Rudimentary tools.
Burgeoning fiduciary responsibility.

Regulators are increasing the pressure

As the carbon price increases, so does the significance of carbon price risk within portfolios. A number of regulators have made it a fiduciary obligation to manage carbon price risk, setting a precedent for other regulators. In 2020, a high profile court settlement involving an Australian superannuation fund demonstrated the consequences of failing to address this increasingly material risk factor.

Simple risk tools are unreliable

Existing tools focused on carbon price risk are rudimentary. They rely on ‘headline’ organisational-level carbon footprint, and an average global carbon price to quantify sensitivity. This ‘top-down’ approach can lead to imprecise and unreliable conclusions about the investor’s level of exposure to carbon pricing.

How SparkChange can help

Granular risk indicators designed by carbon experts.

SparkChange aggregates a large number of fragmented data sets to produce a single source of truth. To achieve this, we make significant and detailed assumptions based on decades of in-house expertise across carbon markets and data science.

By overlaying our carbon market expertise, we provide customers with directional exposure of diversified indices to a rising carbon price, to better inform their hedging strategy.

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Resource centre

New to carbon allowances?

Read our overview of the EU Emissions Trading System to understand how European carbon Allowances are designed to help decarbonise industry.

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Interested to learn more?

Would you like to see the effect that carbon allowances can have on your portfolio? Contact us to arrange a CarbonImpact demo.

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Case study
Case study

Solactive's Zero Carbon Index, powered by SparkChange

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Learn about SparkChange C02
Learn about SparkChange C02

A physically-backed carbon Exchange-Traded Commodity

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