This site is directed at Institutional/Professional Investors only. It is provided for information purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice nor a recommendation to buy/sell any products nor as an offer or solicitation to engage in any investment activity.

Today’s challenge for investors

Finding appropriate ways to align with ESG benchmarks.

Reducing financed emissions

Today’s investors seek the means to facilitate the decarbonization of the world economy, and deliver on their public commitments. The decarbonisation of investments should be driven by climate action of corporates. However, when these measures are too slow, transitional tools are needed to further accelerate the decarbonisation of the economy.

Preserving value

Screening out dirty stocks, like fossil fuels and heavy industry, significantly depletes the available universe of equities that investors can choose from. Such constraints render it impossible to transition a large sum of assets to net zero, such as the $140tn pledged by the GFNAZ, without destroying the value of the original investment thesis.

Safeguarding reputation

The environmental integrity and credibility of carbon offsets has been called into question on numerous occasions, often leaving investors with uncertainty around the risks associated with these purchases.

Carbon Allowances vs Carbon Offsets

How SparkChange can help

A bespoke carbon allocation strategy to mitigate your portfolio’s carbon exposure.

Using CarbonImpact, investors upload their portfolio to evaluate how its carbon exposure develops over time, and set a specific climate goal from a range of industry benchmarks.

CarbonImpact calculates the size and timeline of an investment in European carbon allowances that is needed to create the respective emission reductions to achieve this goal.

CarbonImpact’s computation model is based on the mechanics of the Market Stability Reserve, introduced by the EU Emissions Trading System to cancel excess allowances — and their corresponding emissions — from the system.

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Resource centre

New to carbon allowances?

Read our overview of the EU Emissions Trading System to understand how European carbon Allowances are designed to help decarbonise industry.

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Why allocate to European carbon allowances?

Additive strategy,
not replacement

Can be combined with other common approaches, such as screening or stock-picking.

Additive strategy,
not replacement

Can be combined with other common approaches, such as screening or stock-picking.

An investment,
not a cost

Carbon allowances are an investment, not a cost: The emission reductions persist even if the carbon allowances are sold at least a year later.

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An investment,
not a cost

Carbon allowances are an investment, not a cost: The emission reductions persist even if the carbon allowances are sold at least a year later.

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regulated market

The EU Emissions Trading System is a large, reformed market with a positive outlook, serving as the EU’s primary decarbonisation tool.

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regulated market

The EU Emissions Trading System is a large, reformed market with a positive outlook, serving as the EU’s primary decarbonisation tool.

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Driven by EU regulation

“Withholding 0.92 carbon allowances for 10 years prevents 1 tonne of financed emissions”

The emission reductions are driven by the cancellation effect of the Market Stability Reserve. Download the research paper for more information.

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Interested to learn more?

Would you like to see the effect that carbon allowances can have on your portfolio? Contact us to arrange a CarbonImpact demo.

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Case study
Case study

Solactive's Zero Carbon Index, powered by SparkChange

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Learn about SparkChange C02
Learn about SparkChange C02

A physically-backed carbon Exchange-Traded Commodity

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